School Advisory Board

School Advisory Board

2023-2024 School Advisory Board Members

Chairperson - Vacant

Vice Chairperson - Danilyn Nguyen

Secretary - Vacant

At-Large members

  • Cristina Achino
  • Cherryle Solis
  • Tony Lazzar
  • Dr. Lesley Arackan
  • Molly Acance
  • Arlene Rodriguez
  • Gabriela Ugarte

Getting To Know Our School Board


Dr. Lesley Arackan

Child(ren)'s Name(s) and Grade(s)

Elizabeth - 1st Grade, Theresa - PreK-3, Thomas 2 years old

What interested you about being a member of the School Advisory Board?

I wanted to be involved in the school and was interested in having an advisory role.

What are your goals for the upcoming school year?

Maintain a positive and appreciative environment for everyone, open communication to parents, and be informed about finances, operations, and school advancement. 

What is the best way a school family can contact you?



Danilyn Nguyen

Child(ren)'s Name(s) and Grade(s)

Caitlyn (8th grade) and Alexa (6th grade)

What interested you about being a member of the School Advisory Board?

Being informed regarding the happenings at St. John Brebeuf School.

What are your goals for the upcoming school year?

- To improve parent/teacher communication at school.

- To increase parent interaction and involvement at school.

What is the best way a school family can contact you?



Tony S. Lazzar

Child(ren)'s Name(s) and Grade(s)

Rameil S. Lazzar 8th, Ankido G Lazzar 3rd

What interested you about being a member of the School Advisory Board?

  • Advocating for Students: The chance to make sure students' needs, ideas, and concerns are represented in school decisions.
  • Improving Education Quality: Working on initiatives that help improve the school's curriculum, teaching methods, and overall learning experience.
  • Building Stronger Connections: Strengthening the relationship between students, teachers, administrators, and families to create a supportive environment.
  • Problem Solving: The opportunity to identify challenges the school may face and collaborate on solutions that benefit everyone in the community.

What are your goals for the upcoming school year?

1. Support Academic Excellence,

2. Fiscal Responsibility,

3. Improve Communication and Engagement,

4. Focus on School Safety and Wellbeing,

5. Support Innovation and Growth,

6. Advocate for Policies that Benefit Students:

What is the best way a school family can contact you?

Cell phone: 847-942-4523

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