Welcome to St. John Brebeuf School -- We would love to have you join our community!
Visit -- The first step in the application process is to visit the school.
We offer school tours on weekday mornings. Please call our office at 847-966-3266 or email us at office@sjbschool.org, and we will schedule a tour at a time that is convenient for you and your family.
Register -- Our registration is online, and the link can be found on the right-hand side of our homepage. New parents begin by registering online. Forms, such as birth certificates and medical forms, may be brought to the school office. Registration fees are also paid in the school office.
Join us for Events -- We invite you to join us for the many fun activities hosted by our school community throughout the year! We encourage you to follow our school on Facebook -- we are St. John Brebeuf School-Niles. This is an excellent way to get to know the many events and activities taking place in our school community.
Questions? Our staff is here to help you at any time. Simply call the office at 847-966-3266 and we would be happy to assist you.